We are thankful for the kindness of our 800+ volunteers.
15,000+ meals shared.
Our mission is to educate.

Students all across America need your support to get outdoors
Our country is gifted with youth who want to be pointed in the right direction. They just need your kindness and support.

We are proud to have helped over 10,000+ students in our 5 level system
We provide real-world opportunities, keep youth out of trouble and give them a healthy means to channel their energy and curiosity.
Read more about our mission »
Here's how we help.

Academic support
Integrate adaptive Science, Math, Social Studies and English curriculum and allow interaction between students and teachers beyond the classroom.

Social growth
Develop character and self esteem through student-centered learning and build bridges between cultures, ages and socioeconomic status.

Outdoor youth activities
Provide hunting, fishing, archery and other outdoor activity experience alongside demonstrating conservation practices and teaching environmental respect.

Let’s help more children experience
the outdoor world they've never known.
Support America's youth. They need you.

Promoting Self-Esteem
Having the opportunity to learn new skills gives our kids a sense of achievement which boosts self-esteem.

Environmental Respect
We teach our Academy kids about conservation practices and how to properly treat the environment, indoors and outdoors.

Diversity and Inclusion
When we are out in the middle of the woods or water, all of our differences seem to fade away.