Hunter Safety Class Reloads Our Travel Team

Young women in the outdoors
April 8, 2012
Youth Turkey Reward…
April 22, 2012
Young women in the outdoors
April 8, 2012
Youth Turkey Reward…
April 22, 2012

Hunter Safety Class Reloads Our Travel Team

What’s it like to take a child with no experience and get them to the point of passing a state exam is a feeling not many people can say they have been part of.  Chad Groover has been teaching our level one students to do just that for the past 10 years.  “Our program goes so deep that, you couldn’t hold your breath to get to the bottom of it without pasing out” Chad responded, after all of the students getting their Hunter Safety Cetificate.  Its a rite of passage for the level one students of the academy to par take in if they want to continue to move up on the ladder.  Hundreds of children attempt the year long first level but only a few show the dedication to move into the Exploration level of the program.  Kudos to the students, many who walked for blocks, carrying their digest to and from Academy on making us all very proud!

Special Thanks to Chad Groover and Daisy Pearson for all of their hard work and time given to our children for this event.

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