October 12, 2013
Not 1st but 2nd
November 10, 2013

Hard Work

232323232fp543_7_nu=3366_58__9;6_WSNRCG=39_4653296336nu0mrjIt’s never easy trying to get the critter and kid schedule to cooperate. When it does  we run wide open.  Recently, we got to spend some time hunting hogs and deer as a reward for lots of committed hours to hard work.  Our students are always ready to do what it takes for an opportunity to compete in the woods.  The opportunity came from Stacy Fry at Pipeline Ridge.  The staff at Pipeline ridge and our guest taxidermists Bill and Bridget Ward shared some special moments with a few of our kids (5 in camp).  We are never sure who enjoys the trips more the kids or adults.  Nevertheless, you can’t argue when hard work turns into a lot of fun

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