Invited, Involved, & Impacted
Camp Compass is a unified effort to introduce urban, middle & high school students to various outdoor activities. During these sessions students will be introduced and networked to community businesses and working role models. The consequence will be an educated and influenced population understanding conservation, sportsmen’s philosophies and their activities.
It’s our passion for children that brings a new found quality to their lives. We believe that every child, no matter what circumstances they may be in, should have the opportunity to experience positive people and activities. Therefore, we are constantly spending time with students in the field, water, and in the classroom. We can prove that our students feel like they belong to a family. It is vital in today’s tough environments that we as adults provide not only advice but an ear as well.
Basically, we love our kids and they will always have their Camp Compass family to listen to them!
THE 5 E's
Our system provides a longer time frame for student development based upon our patented 5 level system:
The impossible became possible
John Annoni founded Camp Compass in 1994. Originally an after-school conservation curriculum, it developed into a federally recognized 501c3 organization. What started as the dream of one school teacher to introduce a new generation of youth to America’s outdoor heritage and traditions has now turned into a life changing system that operates year round.
Volunteer mentors make a difference in the inner city by providing hunting, fishing, archery, tutoring, social guidance, and other outdoor youth activities.