Bull By the Horns

You are a true hero and are to be commended on such a wonderful project.
Ronnie CUZ Strickland, Mossy Oak

Camp Compass just may be offering one positive solution worth consideration in every community
Mike Simmons, Contributing Writer Sportsweek

You are a fine example not only to other educators, but also to the students and the community as well.
Diane Scott, Ed.D, Superintendent of Schools

I personally came home from this experience one of the wealthiest men on the face of the earth, because of the joy and happiness of watching my daughter this weekend, which was a result of the past three years with John and Camp Compass.
Mr. J. Marano, Parent

Camp Compass is a program that every parent should know about…. This camp is the best thing that ever happened to my child.
Mrs. H. Santiago, Parent

John Annoni is a teacher that goes beyond teaching academics, his impression on Tessia will influence her for the rest of her life.
Mr. V. Mravlag, Parent

This is a worthwhile program which, I sincerely believe, deserves financial support. Camp Compass has been and continues to be a one-of-a-kind opportunity for youngsters whose lives are being pointed in the right direction.
Tom Fegley, Outdoors Editor (retired), The Morning Call

This outdoor organization, serving the neighborhoods of the city, joins cultures, ages and various socioeconomic groups to ensure that the outdoor heritage of our country is available to all of our children.
Roy C. Afflerbach, Mayor of Allentown